Studio experiments 🧪

Animated bottom bar user interface design concept



Software thumbnail_XD.png
Software thumbnail_Illustrator.png
Software thumbnail.png
Thumbnail Journal bottombar.png


The basic animation flow contains five simple tabs in the bar containing one icon each. To make this press tab animation and highlight ’usefull’ i’ve picked one essential part of the icon to highlight with the animated orange dot. More small micro animations are added to the icons to make the design playfull and fun.

Bottombar korte animatie.gif
Bottombar render file LoRes.gif


Thanks for watching!

Bottombar thumbnail.png

Please note!
This is just a fun and quick way to experiment with design, animation and software. If this was a real life project, I would use a different approach and more hours to make the animation quicker and better for use in app’s 👐🏻